Administering Medicines Policy Sept 2024
Medical Consent Form January 2022
Wilson Jones - Allergy Intolerance Procedure Referral Form
Asthma Care Plan
School Coffee Morning Poster 17.10.23
A one-stop resource for anyone who wants to know about anaphylaxis and adrenaline auto-injector "pens" in schools.
We are delighted that, thanks to the efforts and hard work of our team, we have been awarded the Asthma Friendly School status. This means that all pupils have an individual healthcare /action plan. It also means that we have the following in place:
1. A register of all children and young people with asthma.
2. A management plan for each child.
3. A named individual responsible for asthma in each school.
4. A policy for inhaler techniques and care of the children and young people with asthma.
5. A policy regarding emergency treatment.
6. A system for identifying children who are missing school because of their asthma, or who are not partaking in sports or other activities due to poor control.
The process of achieving this status has helped us, as a school, to ensure we are providing the best care and support we can for young people with asthma. Through the close involvement of the Schools Nursing Team, we have also scrutinised all our systems for pupils with a medical need, revamped our medical room, changed our emergency medication storage system and are finalising our medication policy after extensive consultation.
Should you need to talk to someone in school about your child's medical needs please contact Mr Keohane, our school SENDCo.
Lent Penitential Service - KS2 pupils only
Sparrows Reading Cafe - Sparrows parents invited
Kingfishers Reading Cafe - Kingfisher parents invited