St Edward's Catholic First School

Windsor, Berkshire




Intent: What we are trying to achieve?

At St. Edward’s Catholic First School we believe in equipping our children with knowledge about diverse places, people and environments through our Geography Curriculum. We develop our children’s knowledge about the world around them. As a Catholic school, our faith underpins our key teachings and our children learn the importance of caring for and appreciating God’s world, including our local area. We aim to develop the children’s love of the world around them and to learn to become God’s stewards on earth. 

Implementation: How will we achieve this?

The National Curriculum lists the Geography attainment targets under four strands:

·        Locational knowledge

·        Place Knowledge

·        Human and physical geography

·        Geographical skills and fieldwork

The Geography Curriculum at St. Edward’s Catholic First School is planned using the Kapow Primary scheme.  Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme shows a clear progression of skills and knowledge within these four strands across each year group. Kapow Primary’s progression of skills and knowledge document shows the skills taught within each year group and how these develop to ensure that attainment targets are securely met at the end of Key Stage 1 and Year 4.  We have selected to use Kapow’s scheme for the Autumn and Spring terms. Then we are embedding our own local geography planning into the Summer terms to enhance the opportunities we have being based in Windsor. At St. Edward’s Catholic First School, we alternate between geography and history on a half-termly basis. Therefore, three units of each are taught during the year.

Impact: What difference will this make?

The Geography Kapow scheme of work is coherently planned, sequenced and clearly shows progression enabling children to gain the knowledge and skills required to reach their full potential as geographers. It enables the children to reach their full potential through an enquiry-based learning approach.  The impact of Kapow Primary’s scheme can be constantly monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. Each lesson includes guidance to support teachers in assessing pupils against the learning objectives. Furthermore, each unit has a unit quiz and knowledge catcher, which can be used at the start or end of the unit to assess children’s understanding.  Opportunities for children to present their findings using their geographical skills will also form part of the assessment process in each unit.

 For further information about the national curriculum guidance for geography, click the link below 



Coming Up

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Candle Assembly Yr3 & Yr4 Parents invited

Wednesday 17 Jul at 2:00 pm

Last Cuckoo Club for Term 6

Thursday 18 Jul at 3:15 pm

Last Breakfast Club for Term 6

Friday 19 Jul at 7:15 am

St Edward's Catholic First School
01753 860607

Website ClockTowerWeb