St Edward's Catholic First School

Windsor, Berkshire

Art & Design

At St Edward’s First, we love being creative. We have a varied art timetable, which covers the key stage targets of the National Curriculum.  

During our art lessons, we learn through exploration, appreciation, being creative, and reflecting. We do this through drawing, painting, mixed media, collage, sculpture, and 3D shape. 

We love using sketchbooks to practice our drawing skills, develop new ideas, try new things, master techniques, and revisit our work. It is a great way to see our progression. 

We enjoy learning about different artists including Andy Warhol, Frida Kahlo, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Lucy Arnold, El Anutsui, and Vincent Van Gogh to name a few! 

Through art we aim for the children to observe and be aware of the world around them, understand and respect cultural diversity, to celebrate our differences, and to protect our planet.


To take a look at some of the art projects at St Edward's First, please take a look at our Instagram Page: 


Some highlights from this year...

Art & DT Curriculum 2022-23

Art Progression of SkillsArt Progression of Skills 2022-23

All year groups took part in a community art project in Windsor town centre, creating a poppy instillation for Remembrance Day.


Each year group focussed on a different artist to celebrate black history month.


Year One

Artist Studies:

Wassily Kandinsky 
Abstract Collaboration ‘Kandinsky Tree’ using individual concentric circles.


Vincent Van Gogh 
- sketchbook observations and colour work
- Sunflower vase collaboration

Colour Theory:
The children created ladybirds using primary and secondary colours.

They have also created art for their ‘Great Fire of London’ topic.

Some highlights from last year...

Art Curriculum 2021-22

Year 4

Tudor Roses (D&T):
The children designed and planned in their sketchbooks first, then they sewed them using felt and buttons.

David Hockey-inspired landscapes. Oil pastel, chalk pastel, and collage.

Artist Study of Henri Matisse's Goldfish paintings:
Sketchbook development
Watercolour/pastel resist painting colour work


Year 3

Prehistoric Art
-Creating cave drawings using charcoal and pastels
-Year 3 created their own 'Cueva De Las Manos', the Cave of Hands rock painting in Argentina. 
The children created negative and positive images of their hands using pastels.

Bug/insect Art Inspired by the nature artwork of Lucy Arnold
Sketchbook work
Colour studies
Model making from recycled materials

Egyptian Collars


Textiles/Weaving DT
Designing a Dream Catcher/ Hanging Decoration
The children designed these in their sketchbooks first. They made their own paper plate looms, and created a woven pattern using a mixture of different yarns. 
They added string, feathers and beads to finish them off, to make these beautiful decorations.

Year 2

Artist Study Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Sketchbook colour work, pattern and collage.
They used their sketchbook drawings to create patterns for one colour prints

Mixed Media Coronation crowns for the Queens Jubilee


Year 1 

Wassily Kandinsky-inspired abstract art using concentric circles.

Landscapes/Cityscapes: Using collage and a mixture of pens and pastels, the children in Year 1 created silhouettes of a city.

Pastel Planets: Year 1 practiced their blending of chalk pastels to make this lovely solar system. 

Artist Study: Vincent Van Gogh
- Sketchbook observations
- The children made mixed media flowers to create a lovely collaboration of Van Gogh's famous 'Sunflowers'

Coming Up

View full calendar

Candle Assembly Yr3 & Yr4 Parents invited

Wednesday 17 Jul at 2:00 pm

Last Cuckoo Club for Term 6

Thursday 18 Jul at 3:15 pm

Last Breakfast Club for Term 6

Friday 19 Jul at 7:15 am

St Edward's Catholic First School
01753 860607

Website ClockTowerWeb