St Edward's Catholic First School

Windsor, Berkshire


Welcome to our Makaton Page

Makaton is a form of sign-supported English.

St Edward’s is a 'Makaton Friendly' school and signing is used across school.

Makaton Friendly Certificate

It is a valuable and effective way to support spoken language. Only key words are signed, and children are encouraged to use signs to make requests, to comment and to answer questions.

Signs are taught as part of vocabulary development opportunities during core subject and topic lessons where appropriate to the needs of the children.

Makaton symbols and signs are used around the school to aid inclusiveness and independence with signage and wayfinding.
Through a total communication approach, children learn to use signing to support their access to learning and communication; helping to break down barriers in their receptive and expressive speech and language skills.

We aim to continually develop our Makaton signing environment to ensure that all staff and children can communicate effectively.

Our rationale for this is:
• Signing helps focus a child’s attention on the speaker.
• It helps staff and children alike to slow down their speech.
• It provides additional visual cues to aid understanding and processing of information.
• Staff will provide a model for pupils who are developing expressive use of signs.

School Key Signs Booklet: the signs which we use most frequently in school across all ages and classes.

Basic Makaton: signing booklet with information about using Makaton with your child 

Core vocabulary boards – stage 1stage 2stage 3stage 4stage 5.  Some children are using these at school – if you are unsure if your child is using them or which stage they are at please ask.

Every class also shares the Makaton ‘Sign of the Week’, to support the children and staff with learning one new, repeated sign. 

Makaton Sign of the Week Playlist:  

Makaton Signs Around School Playlist: 

Makaton School Prayers Playlist:  

Makaton Club Playlist:

Makaton Friendly School Letter 12.01.21

Coming Up

View full calendar

Candle Assembly Yr3 & Yr4 Parents invited

Wednesday 17 Jul at 2:00 pm

Last Cuckoo Club for Term 6

Thursday 18 Jul at 3:15 pm

Last Breakfast Club for Term 6

Friday 19 Jul at 7:15 am

St Edward's Catholic First School
01753 860607

Website ClockTowerWeb